Monday, March 28, 2011


If he knew he’d be dead by dark
Tolstoy supposedly said he’d keep
plowing which proves either
he really liked to plow or else
he was a bit off that day and I think
it must be the latter because
no sane man likes to plow that much
unless you mean the metaphorical
kind (haha) but Ell Tee was way too
uptight for that sort of thing and
not that imaginative but if
I were cursed with such knowledge
I’d find a hot metaphor and have a
wild time and get a revolver to
defend myself in case I’m slated
to die at the hands of a jealous
lover whose girlfriend I haven’t even
slept with and I know I’d probably
end up being shot with my own
weapon because as the Greeks figured
out a long time ago that’s how
these things usually end since
nobody escapes irony but still I say
it’s best to go down fighting or
polishing your weapon or being
metaphorical or doing anything
that counts as honest rebellion.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Everyone assumes
she’d never eaten the fruit
before she made the mistake
of sharing some with that dimwit
Adam, who of course confessed, babbled
like a frightened child
the first time God looked crosswise
at him. Actually, she’d been snatching
bites here and there for years.
Neither God nor Adam had been observant
enough to notice the extra lightness
in her step, the little smiles for no
particular reason, the way she laughed
as if their dry jokes were funny
or how she sat entranced by the wings
of the dragonfly, as if each beat were a reprise
of her heart, a count of the minutes, hours, days
until the making of a cocoon
or perhaps the breaking of one.

This poem was published by The Pinch at the University of Memphis